Feature Location Research Dataset

This page provides our tools and datasets used in the following paper:

Takashi Ishio, Shinpei Hayashi, Hiroshi Kazato, and Tsuyoshi Oshima: "On the Effectiveness of Accuracy of Automated Feature Location Technique." In Proceedings of the 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Koblenz, Germany, October 2013.

Features and Goldsets

For our experiment, we have used seven features of two applications derived from two works:

From the baseline datasets above, we have added an extended description of each feature. Goldsets of features are also refined.

System Issue ID Short Description Description and Goldset Initial List of Methods (sorted by LSI scores of methods) Screenshot
muCommander 311 Should the free space indicator be flipped around? English / Japanese EXAMPLE task [PNG]
60 UI preferences: 'Apply' button must be disabled if no changes have been made English / Japanese BETTER task / WORSE task [PNG]
231 "Skip all" for errors that occur during a file transfer operation English / Japanese BETTER task / WORSE task [PNG]
jEdit 2122926 Add right-click menu to the Errors status bar widget English / Japanese EXAMPLE task [PNG]
1747300 Enable customization of folding presentation English / Japanese BETTER task / WORSE task [PNG]
2668434 fullscreen-mode English / Japanese BETTER task / WORSE task [PNG]
1593464 system icons for files in FSB English / Japanese GOLDSET task [PNG]

In the experiment of the WCRE 2013 paper, each task was printed as a four-page document including descriptions of features, an initial list, a screenshot, and a quick reference. An example is presented here.


Eclipse has regular featrues such as Java Development Tools. FL-Player adds a view in the bottom of a workbench (main window).

The "FL Player" view has a document icon named "Load a problem" in the top-right corner. Clicking on the icon opens a file open dialog. Please open a task (.xml) file in fl/xml directory. For example, fl/xml/jEdit/task1-1747300/202-good.xml is the file for J_1b task.

After a task is loaded, a user can assign Relevant or Irrelevant to each method. To add a false-negative method as a relevant method, "Add to FL Player" menu item is available in the right-click menu on a method name.

When a user manipulates methods in FL-Player, each step is recorded in the task file directory with a timestamp.


Software Engineering Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University