Two papers co-authored by Professor Yoshiki Higo received awards at the SES2022
Professor Yoshiki Higo presented at the IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES2022), which was held in Tokyo from September 5th through 7th, 2022.
Two papers co-authored by Professor Yoshiki Higo received the SES2022 Research Encouragement Award
- 大規模データセットと多種ミュータント演算子を利用した自動修正適合性の再計測 (Certificate)
- 前島 葵、肥後 芳樹、柗本 真佑、楠本 真二、安田 和矢
- 欠陥限局および自動プログラム修正のための自動テスト生成と実行経路を用いたテスト選択 (Certificate)
- 入山 優、肥後 芳樹、楠本 真二