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井上克郎教授が ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award を受賞しました!(2021/02/27)

井上克郎教授が ACM SIGSOFTより Influential Educator Award を受賞しました。


Katsuro Inoue, Osaka University, for his life-long foundational contributions to software engineering education and his success in connecting generations of educators and researchers from Japan with the international community

ACM @sigsoft Influential Educator Award goes to Katsuro Inoue (Osaka University) “for his life-long foundational contributions to software engineering education and his success in connecting generations of educators and researchers from Japan with the international community” ?

— ACM SIGSOFT (@sigsoft) February 27, 2021

引用 : "ACM SIGSOFT Twitter ", "SIGSOFT"

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