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*The Linux FoundationのKate Stewart氏にオープンソースについてご講演いただきました (2018/12/10)

現職でRT-LinuxなどLinux関連のプロジェクトを立ち上げるなど,多くの活動をなされているThe Linux FoundationのKate Stewart氏に"Open Source: Keeping up with Innovation."というタイトルでご講演いただきました.
Open Source: Keeping up with Innovation.
Open Source software has dramatically increased the pace of innovation over the last 10 years, as crowdsourcing has provided a high quality and lower cost model for creating new technologies. Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Shared Ledgers, Networking are just a few areas that have dramatically benefited by competitors collaborating. This trend is now expanding into market segments like IoT, automotive, the energy sector, and the motion picture industry. The lessons we’ve learned developing Linux at the Linux Foundation are providing a sound framework for businesses, government and academia to collaborate effectively. By following some straightforward guidelines, open source software can be incorporated into the software supply chain, and set the foundations for the next generation of collaboration to drive efficient innovation.



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